Don't mind me, I'm just eating a carrot ˚ ᆺ ˚

Welcome to the Bunny Archive !

An online archive for private collections.

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52nd IR

the 1919-03-18,world war one

"Arthaud Louis sergeant in the 52nd RIOn my return from captivityVILLARD ClaudeL.ArthaudPhotograph i...

A.-V. Benjamin

134th IR

1906-04-17,Troisième République

"Long live the class of 1902Mâcon April 17, 1906My Dear PierreI was on leave for Easter that 24 hou...

A.-V. Benjamin

26th IR

between the 1915-06-01 and the 1916-07-31,world war one

Corporal and soldiers of the 26th RI at the depot in Mâcon posing in the shooting range park....

A.-V. Benjamin

26th IR

between the 1914-09-01 and the 1915-06-30,world war one

Soldiers of the 26th Infantry Regiment on depot in Mâcon....

A.-V. Benjamin

26th IR

between the 1915-01-01 and the 1915-06-30,world war one

“The Flooded 3rd Section”.Corporals and soldiers of the 26th Infantry Regiment in depot in Mâco...

A.-V. Benjamin

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This website is an archive made for private collections of photos, documents and objects. Every contributor has their own space where they can post their collection.

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