An online archive for private collections.
the 1919-03-18,world war one
"Arthaud Louis sergeant in the 52nd RIOn my return from captivityVILLARD ClaudeL.ArthaudPhotograph i...
A.-V. Benjamin
1906-04-17,Troisième République
"Long live the class of 1902Mâcon April 17, 1906My Dear PierreI was on leave for Easter that 24 hou...
between the 1915-06-01 and the 1916-07-31,world war one
Corporal and soldiers of the 26th RI at the depot in Mâcon posing in the shooting range park....
between the 1914-09-01 and the 1915-06-30,world war one
Soldiers of the 26th Infantry Regiment on depot in Mâcon....
between the 1915-01-01 and the 1915-06-30,world war one
“The Flooded 3rd Section”.Corporals and soldiers of the 26th Infantry Regiment in depot in Mâco...
This website is an archive made for private collections of photos, documents and objects. Every contributor has their own space where they can post their collection.