The world war one collection

world war one

A captain of the Que...

1850-01-01 1990-12-31,world war one

A captain of the Queen's Royal Regiment (West Surrey), he's also an MC recipient ...

Jools Mckenna

Leutnant Boskamp in ...

1850-01-01 1990-12-31,world war one

Leutnant Boskamp in Eisenbahn-Regiment Nr.3 Before the war, he was Lt. in that regiment and he was ...

Jools Mckenna

CDV of a Prussian ar...

1914-01-01 1914-12-31,world war one

CDV of a Prussian artillery soldier of the 5th (1st Lower Silesian) Field Artillery "von Podbielski"...

Carlos Ortega

Corporal of the Nort...

1850-01-01 1990-12-31,world war one

Corporal of the North Staffordshire Regiment Most likely a ‘probationer’ for Military Mounted P...

Jools Mckenna

Soldier of the car s...

1850-01-01 1990-12-31,world war one

Soldier of the car services and his wife (?) Soldat du service automobile et sa femme (?)...


Portrait of the serg...

1850-01-01 1990-12-31,world war one

Portrait of the sergeant Paul Texil of the 157th infanterie regiment. Portrait du sergeant Paul ...


Soldier of the 152nd...

1850-01-01 1990-12-31,world war one

Soldier of the 152nd infantry regiment Soldat du 152eme regiment d'infanterie...


French pilot (captai...

1850-01-01 1990-12-31,world war one

French pilot (captain) of the Military Aeronautics. Pilote francais (capitaine) de l'aéronaut...


Sergent fourrier (no...

1915-01-01 1915-12-31,world war one

Sergent fourrier (non commissioned officer in charge of stewardship) Lefoulon Pierre somewhere in a...


French (Poilus) Sold...

1850-01-01 1990-12-31,world war one

French (Poilus) Soldiers at rest eating. ~1915....


Ltn Hermann Spencker...

1850-01-01 1990-12-31,world war one

Ltn Hermann Spencker while he was in Füsilier-Regiment 90. He would later be captured on the 10t...

Jools Mckenna

A Royal Engineers Pt...

1850-01-01 1990-12-31,world war one

A Royal Engineers Pte(likely part of a volunteer unit) with private purchase leather equipment inclu...

Jools Mckenna

Men and NCOs at a Ba...

1917-01-01 1917-12-31,world war one

Men and NCOs at a Bavarian reserve hospital in Jena. ...

Jools Mckenna

French soldier of 1e...

1918-01-01 1918-12-31,world war one

French soldier of 1er regiment d'artillerie a pied with an 1874 bayonet. Soldier pictured is Rog...

Jools Mckenna

2 Sgts of the ASC, t...

1918-01-01 1918-12-31,world war one

2 Sgts of the ASC, the right Sgt is wearing on his right sleeve 3 service chevrons(3 years, so likel...

Jools Mckenna

Men of the RHA pose ...

1850-01-01 1990-12-31,world war one

Men of the RHA pose with SMLEs. On the top row, centre left, a signaller with a 2 years good condu...

Jools Mckenna

Soldier of the Machi...

1850-01-01 1990-12-31,world war one

Soldier of the Machine Gun Corps in taken in Alexandria, Egypt by Shanen & Co Photo-Studio....

Jools Mckenna

Men of the RGA Octob...

1916-01-01 1916-12-31,world war one

Men of the RGA October 1916. One of the men is wearing a Ground Observer's trade badge. Ground Ob...

Jools Mckenna

2 soldiers of the Li...

1850-01-01 1990-12-31,world war one

2 soldiers of the Lincolnshire Regiment 'not up to much' in France. ...

Jools Mckenna

Able seaman of the H...

1850-01-01 1990-12-31,world war one

Able seaman of the HMS Phaeton. He has 3 Service Chevrons meaning he's been in the war for 3 years. ...

Jools Mckenna