world war one
1850-01-01 1990-12-31,world war one
A Captain of the ASC in France. ...
Jools Mckenna
1915-01-01 1915-12-31,world war one
Stokers(2nd class), Leading stokers(1st class) and Petty officers of the HMS St Vincent. ...
WW1 British soldiers in KD, wearing blackened buttons which a sign of a rifle regiment. Middle botto...
2 soldiers of the ASC wearing KD in Baghdad....
A soldier of the 7th (The Princess Royal's) Dragoon Guards wearing KD...
Lieutenant Roy Redman, RGA Attested to Inns of Court OTC as a Private on 29 November 1915. Went to...
1916-01-01 1916-12-31,world war one
Signal troops of the Royal Fusiliers. A large amount of them are wearing the Economic simplified SD....
A private of the British army poses on a bench with his sweetheart in England. ...
A Lance Corporal of the British Army wearing KD. His wife and child have been added in the corners. ...
Crewman and RMLI of the HMS Black Prince line on the Aft probably between the 3rd and 4th funnel, so...
Unknow regiment. January the 19th 1915. Régiment inconnu 19 janvier 1915. ...
January the 19th 1915. Unknow regiment 19 janvier 1915. Régiment inconnu...
3 soldiers of the 18th teritorial light cavalry squadron regiment. probablement 3 soldats du 18em...
Unknow regiment Regiment inconnu...
Probably a Sergeant grenadier of infantry. Wounded one time. Probablement un sergent avec la spé...
Soldier of the 6th infanterie regiment. Circa 1918. He is wearing the croix de guerre and the médai...
French officers in a trench. Date unknow...
Soldier of the 66th infantry regiment. He is wearing the croix de guerre and la medaille des blessé...
Unknow soldiers of an hussard regiment. ...
1914-01-01 1914-12-31,world war one
Probably the 19th Chasseurs a cheval regiment. Amiens, 1914...