The world war two collection

world war two

This picture shows 4...

1850-01-01 1990-12-31,world war two

This picture shows 4 men and a child. While one man wears a standard issue Wehrmacht V-Neck sweater...

Kyle Morris

A Feuerwehr (firefig...

1850-01-01 1990-12-31,world war two

A Feuerwehr (firefighter) member in front of his house. He is posing next to his either wife or girl...

Kyle Morris

This picture shows 1...

1941-01-01 1941-12-31,world war two

This picture shows 13 German soldiers and one officer (bottom left) near a boat. These soldiers have...

Kyle Morris

Heer soliders of the...

1941-01-01 1941-12-31,world war two

Heer soliders of the 113th Infantry division pass through Dresden on they're way to the Eastern fron...

Kyle Morris

4 Luftwaffe Officers...

1939-01-01 1939-12-31,world war two

4 Luftwaffe Officers pose for a photo together while training at Rerik. The back reads Four dear peo...

Kyle Morris

Combat infantrymen o...

1945-01-01 1945-12-31,world war two

Combat infantrymen of Company G, 415th Infantry Regiment, 104th Division, 1st U.S. Army, are resting...

Signal Corps Archive

This picture shows a...

1850-01-01 1990-12-31,world war two

This picture shows a Wehrmacht soldier wearing a special parade uniform Waffenrock. He is enjoying a...

Kyle Morris

7 German soldiers en...

1850-01-01 1990-12-31,world war two

7 German soldiers enjoying some drinks. One is a Obergefreiter, rank unclear. There is an NCO in the...

Kyle Morris

6 German soldiers, a...

1850-01-01 1990-12-31,world war two

6 German soldiers, all wearing a M36 tunic except one, wearing a work/training white HBT tunic. Most...

Kyle Morris

This picture shows G...

1850-01-01 1990-12-31,world war two

This picture shows German Luftwaffe soldiers in a truck in Athens getting ready to depart. The truck...

Kyle Morris

Although these infan...

1944-01-01 1944-12-31,world war two

Although these infantrymen are tired and wet they are happy and the morale is high. H Co., 2nd Batta...

Signal Corps Archive

These hungry infantr...

1944-01-01 1944-12-31,world war two

These hungry infantrymen of the 7th Army waste no time when they hear "seconds on cake". Bult area, ...

Signal Corps Archive

A Heer soldier weari...

1850-01-01 1990-12-31,world war two

A Heer soldier wearing an M36 tunic and what seems to be early grey M37 trousers. He is posing for w...

Kyle Morris


1850-01-01 1990-12-31,world war two



Soldat Souvenir de...

1941-01-01 1941-12-31,world war two

Soldat Souvenir de Martin Neumeier 16/06/1941...


Caporal Insigne spo...

1850-01-01 1990-12-31,world war two

Caporal Insigne sportif SA Patch de conducteur de vehicule...



1850-01-01 1990-12-31,world war two




1850-01-01 1990-12-31,world war two



2 soldat, wehr et lu...

1850-01-01 1990-12-31,world war two

2 soldat, wehr et luft...


Sous lieutenant. 2 ...

1850-01-01 1990-12-31,world war two

Sous lieutenant. 2 medailles : Gauche : Droite : front de l est ?...
