Studio portrait of Robert Alexander Bürkner (1870-1925). The photo was taken in 1909 at Frankfurt am Main when Hauptmann Bürkner served in the general staff of the XVIII. Armeekorps. He wore the General staff officers’ uniform while holding a Pickelhaube with a square visor in his hand, helmet plate was a silver Garde eagle. The sword carried by Bürkner had a flaming grenade fixed on the grip, just under Kaiser Wilhelm II’s monogram, indicating his early career in the Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 12.
Bürkner’s medal bar consists of two awards: Wilhelm I Centenary Medal and a rare Imperial Chinese Order of the Double Dragon in 3rd Class, 3rd Grade「御賜三等三級雙龍寶星勳章」. According to the rank list, Bürkner’s CDIII3 was awarded in 1896 during Li Hung-chang’s「李鴻章」visit to Germany when he was an Infantry Sekondeleutnant. However, his role in the reception is unknown.
1870 - Born in Berlin.
1891 - Joined the Grenadier-Regiment ,,Prinz Karl von Preußen” (2. Brandenburgisches) Nr. 12.
1892 - Promoted to Sekondeleutnant.
1901 - Promoted to Oberleutnant.
1903 - Attended the Prussian War College in Berlin (Preußische Kriegsakademie).
1906 - General staff officer of the XVIII. Armeekorps and member of the Grand General Staff (Großer Generalstab). Promoted to Hauptmann.
1911- Assigned as a company commander in the 9. Badisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr.170.
1912 - General staff officer of the 30. Infanterie-Division. Promoted to Major. Then became the general staff officer of the 42. Infanterie-Division.
1914.08 - Outbreak of WW1, went to war as staff officer of the 42. Infanterie-Division.
1914.09 - Seriously wounded in the battle therefore took a convalescent leave.
1914.12 - Joined the Korps Zastrow as a general staff officer in the eastern front.
1915 - Assigned to General-Gouvernement of Antwerpen.
1916 - As chief of staff of the XXI. Armeekorps.
1918 - Promoted to Oberstleutnant and chief of staff of the XVIII. Reserve-Korps.
1918.05 - Awarded Pour le Mérite for his great achievements of attack planning in the Battle of Kemmel.
1918.08 - Appointed as chief of staff of the 18. Armee.
1920 - Joined the Reichswehr and appointed as chief of staff of the Wehrkreiskommandos I. Promoted to Oberst.
1925 - Promoted to Generalmajor. Died in the same year.
between the 1909-01-01 and the 1909-12-31,1900s