AUDRAS Pierre André to the 805th material company in Miramas cleaning the army's 2 CV.
With a friend from the same region as him, they will both be incorpored into the same equipement compagny in Miramas.
AUDRAS Pierre having the license and a right of movement in the army (thanks to this status as personal driver of officers) they will return almost every week to the Drôme with the trunk of AUDRAS Pierre's personnal 2 CV loaded with cans of gasoline...
It will also allow the cooks of the barracks to extract food outside the site to bring back home, a centerpiece to eat and roll for free !
Life being quite pleasant (being able to get up whenever you want..) and the military authority not too present, he will say "But I should have stayed there, why did I come back to civilian life ?"
between the 1964-01-01 and the 1965-12-31,1950s-1960s