Officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the 21st Battalion of Foot Hunters.
"Dear Parents
I am responding to your letter that I received yesterday and which made me happy to have news from you and at the same time money because I really needed it. I also received the packet of sugared almonds, they were good. I am sending you this card, it is a photograph of the entire section, the entire battalion was taken by section some time ago. It's the sergeant in front of me. I gave him some sugared almonds, he was happy. I have nothing else to say to you at the moment, I am still in good health, I think my letter will find you the same.
Luquin Paul"
Paul LUQUIN was reported missing between September 28 and 29, 1915 following attacks by the 107th BFH around St Hilaire in the Marne.
He will be declared "Dead for France" in 1921.
infanterie chasseur a pied
between the 1911-10-07 and the 1913-11-08,Troisième République