world war one
1916-04-01 1916-04-30,world war one
Interior, part behind the altar, of the Seppois church....
A.-V. Benjamin
Group of soldiers including a doctor and a chaplain in the ruins of the Seppois church....
Group of soldiers in the ruined church of Seppois....
Group of soldiers posing in front of the Seppois church....
Church of Seppois....
The chaplain poses in front of the Seppois-le-Bas chaplaincy....
New Seppois cemetery....
Chaplain in the ruins of the Seppois church....
On the road to the church....
Group of soldiers in the ruins of the Seppois church.The Germans sent 150mm caliber shells to destro...
1916-09-01 1916-09-30,world war one
Ruined house in Seppois....
1915-02-22,world war one
A sergeant, adjutant doctor or second lieutenant and a sergeant.Card signed by a certain Marcel....
1917-06-01 1917-06-30,world war one
From left to right: station manager - Scottish or Canadian - senior officer from the cavalry...
1915-02-16 1915-04-05,world war one
"To my dear uncle"Presentation of the Legion of Honor in Rouen to Second Lieutenant CASANOVA Jean Au...
1914-09-01 1914-09-30,world war one
Warrant Officer BRUNEAU(X) of the 3rd compagny of the 4th Territorial Battalion of Foot Hunters at L...
1914-07-28 1915-12-31,world war one
War 1914-1915.Shuttle Bridge.Guards G.V.C.Albert and Lili on patrol.To my brother AmauryAlbert A....
1916-05-30,world war one
Unknown soldier, sergeant, of the 50th Infantry Regiment.Small detail: we can observe the aluminum c...
1918-04-17,world war one
Non-commissioned officers of the 10th company of the 174th infantry regiment....
1917-01-01 1919-03-17,world war one
ARCHAMBAUD Claude towards the end of the war.At this period he was assigned to the 334th Infantery R...